Who and What this Site is For:

This is where members of the Facebook groups  Guelph Moms Supporting Moms (GMSM) and Guelph Business Moms (GBM) can find webinar recordings, our Guelph Business Moms Directory, and other resources for members.


Use the resources here to increase your confidence and decrease your anxiety.


Parenting resources to help smooth out bumps in your Mom journey.

Self Care

Resources for self care - even when you don't have a lot of time and energy.


Resources for our Moms who have their own business or a side hustle.

A Facebook group  for Moms in the Guelph area.

We support one another in our motherhood journeys, find answers to our questions, celebrate good things, and just feel more connected to others during a time of life when it's easy to feel lonely.

Feel free to ask for help when you need it, offer help to others, and to post questions, useful information, or anything you think your fellow group members would find helpful or fun.

This Facebook group is a  place for Moms in the Guelph area (anywhere within reasonable traveling distance is acceptable) to connect and discuss their businesses.

As local businesswomen, we have a HUGE opportunity to share knowledge, laughs, and support one another.

Let's make it happen.

Featured Resources:

 Guelph Moms Supporting Moms Featured Webinar (Free access for a limited time)

How to Create More Meaning in Your Life by Tamsen Taylor

If you’re a woman struggling to find inspiration or motivation, or facing decisions that are difficult, a key way to help yourself is to connect with your deeper purpose. 

In this recorded workshop, we walk through 3 exercises inspired by Tamsen's book The Paradox of Success which will give you an opportunity to both discover and create more meaning.

A pdf workbook is available for download.

 Guelph Business Moms Featured Webinar (Free access for a limited time)

Courtney Riddell of The Renaissance Mama joins us to talk video! She shares her tips for how to incorporate video into your business, how to be comfortable on camera, and why video helps you connect with your clients.

 Free Weekly Confidence Tips & Get Unstuck with my 5 Best Strategies

Sign up for weekly confidence tips, and get immediate access to my 5 best confidence building strategies pdf!

You are an individual, and what works for others might not work for you.

If you're feeling stuck, check out these 5 tips - I chose them because they not only work for a lot of people, but they have side benefits - so I challenge you to NOT see benefits if you follow any of them!

What our Clients Say

Tamsen is awesome. She helps you connect with yourself and others. Each of the sessions, classes or events that I have attended I always feel welcomed and make new connections.
Tamsen helps in many ways more then you expect.
- Belinda Gould, LevelUP Kids Guelph

Guelph Moms Supporting Moms Member Options



Latest Webinar

Free for Members, access the latest webinar.
Parenting and Self Care Focus.



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Get access to the Webinar library for a whole year - keep up to date and catch up with what you missed!

Find Out How We Can Help You

Guelph Business Moms Member Options



Latest Webinar

Free for Members, access the latest webinar.



Get access to the Webinar library on a monthly basis - catch up with what you missed!



Get access to the Webinar library for a whole year - keep up to date and catch up with what you missed!